The first thing is to understand that you get out of Church what you put into it. The first thing you have to put in is your faith, your time and your active participation. I see that all the volunteers and ministers at this Church intend us to do this, but they try so hard and it's so many of them and it's so much that it feels forced and feels like spiritual noise all the time. There's always someone hovering around trying to guide you as if you didn't know how to be Catholic. From the forced initial "let's greet and welcome those around you" to the difficult and uncomfortable and unsafe having to turn towards the back in your pew as the presiders process in, it feels like there's a lot of unecessary spiritually and physical distractions that are meant to draw you closer, but again, are so many that they rather distract. All in all however this is the best option in this area. The other churches have mostly spanish masses and its dificult to find parking. This one at least it's big and has a lot of parking.