In a sentence, we believe that the simplicity and truth of the story of Jesus can change lives.
Jesus’ followers have heard the story of Jesus and have responded by placing their faith in His life and resurrection and choosing to get baptized. As His followers, we are invited to partner with God in His pursuit of the lost, broken, and needy; when we do this, life change happens. That invitation is why Rocky focuses all of our effort on helping people know Jesus and love like Him.
The Church is a group of people partnering with God in His pursuit of the lost, broken, and needy. It’s not a building or a weekend experience, but a group of people daily pursuing to Live and Love Like Jesus. We come together each weekend to worship Jesus and celebrate His sacrifice for our forgiveness and hope.
Rocky has lived out the simple mission, know Jesus, and love like Him for the past four decades of ministry, and it has changed thousands of lives and relationships. Our dream is that as we continue to live this way, our lives, our communities, and our cities will be transformed by the Person and Love of Jesus