James S.
Ustedes no tienen un Abeila
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Quote from Winston Churchill, “In War, truth is the first casualty. “
Dear Father,
My name is James Sheridan I have worked and lived with Mexican families my whole life, growing up in California. My most recent neighbor in Lawndale, Victor, had the key’s to my house because he saw from his trailer where they were hidden only a half hour before I arrived to retrieve them from the Landlord.
I looked under every stone for about 30 minutes and then he, Victor rode up on his bicycle, (no doubt from the local key cutter,) with my new Apartment key’s, he quickly found them, while leaning off of his bicycle, under a rock, that I had looked under three times before. So now I know I have a lier next-door.
Victor and his family that lived against my wall’s were stealing from me, toilet paper I noticed the first day, then quarter’s off my desk, an old cell phone, my clothes, etc.
When I accused him angrily with my knowledge, I heard him say through the walls that he was going to put a Hit on me.,”This Guy”.
In fear, I ran from California. When I was in a Denny’s in Arizona, I over heard a Mexican man at a table while walking through the dinner, say, ”That guy’s got a green Light on him”. So then I knew that what Victor said, was true.
You people obviously have an Internet site where Victor and his Son Tito posted pictures of me and my vehicle, and lies about thing’s I did not do to them. By the way they had put pin hole cameras through my wall and were watching my 24/7.
I am being hunted, terrorized by Immigrants from Mexico in my own Country. I have lived in terror every day, for over two years.
I understand and speak Spanish they think I do not and speak right in front of me, the thing’s I have over heard like; “El es el siempre Vato,” English, He is the same guy, That’s the guy on the internet, that guy we need to Kill,”
Susan the Secretary at the Landmark Nurseries, a Company I worked at in Round Rock, Texas, made a chicken and Brussel sprout meal for me.
I knew she put poison in it, and dumped it out.
The morning after, all of my supposed Mexican coworkers couldn’t believe I was dead.
I over heard all the Mexican’s say well now we will have to bring out our soldiers to kill him.
(idiot’s I understand Spanish)
Susan was surprised to see me alive the next mourning when I clocked in for work, and asked me if I had eaten my food. I nicely returned her glass dish and thanked her, and said it was delicious.
I had really dumped it on the ground where I was camping, knowing it was filled with rat poison. Which was tested by the F.B.I in Houston to be true. As they call me El Raton, the Rat. They called her at my old work and told her she is under watch for my murder , If I come up dead she goes to prison for Murder, and stay for Life. Adio’s.
My Mexican Co workers in the field said, “This is like a soap opera, he’s not dead, now it’s time to bring in the soldier’s.” All in Spanish, like I could not understand them.
I know have several gun’s and dog’s and the F.B.I. on speed dial and my local Police Dept. also on speed dial.
You will die like the many Vato’s I have killed all ready.
The Mexican Mafia has chased and scared me all the way across my United States from California to Savannah. I am being Terrorized by the entire Mexican Community waiting to kill me. This is for me, the worst life a man could ever have. I don’t use public bathroom’s or go out to eat especially at Mexican Restaurants though I love your food.
I now hide in my apartment, never to go out at night.
I only shop where there are cameras. Because I over heard one of your soldiers say, when they were following me and I pulled into a ‘
Many times, as listening to cars of Mexicans coming up to me in parking lots saying, “We can’t do anything here.”
Sunday January 26th 2020, a Mexican kid, 12 years of age, I guess, turned around and followed me to my apartment, he identified me, our eyes meet, he and turned around as I was backing into my driveway. He was headed immediately in the opposite direction to report my home address to his Army.
What can a good hard working American do?
Ustede’s no tien’en un Abeila!
All the best,
James Sheridan
(813) 550-8372 jamessheridan30
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