Review For Temple Baptist Church

William W.
Former Member

Old research

Average: 3 (1 vote)
My wife and I were married December 27, 1951 by the Reverend Ralph Walker. A fine ceremony as we are still married. He did a good job. A bit later in 1952 I was baptized there. Rev Walker was a good minister but we ceased attending as his Hellfire and Damnation sermons turned us off. He was replaced by another minister , who I cannot recall his name. My travels and my wife's business prevented us from attending and now, as we age we just might chance a visit some Sunday. Is the parking in downtown Portland safe and available ? Portland has become such a area of unrest. Not the Portland that I was born in in 1930. If you could give us a brief over view it would be greatly appreciated. Look forward to your reply.
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