We moved to Midlothian three years ago and for some time we drove back to our old church (45 minutes away). When driving an hour and a half at least once a Sunday got old, we started looking for a church that was closer to home. We visited several churches, some for months but never felt God's leading us to join any of them.
We decided to visit Grace Baptist and immediately fell in love with the great preaching and the warm, friendly church body. We have several children, of which 10 are still at home. At the time, our children at home ranged from 28 down to 12. In the past, getting all of our children, including our adult children to agree on anything was not a nominal task. But this time, everyone was in agreement, Grace Baptist was the church we had been looking for!
Pastor James is a 29 year old, 3rd generation preacher and has a strong Biblical base in his preaching. The congregation is beginning to grow as Pastor James is completing his 3rd year here. Grace has a men's and women's ministry and is exploring ways to teach evangelism to our body in order to reach Midlothian for Christ!
We are excited to be here and look forward to what the Lord is going to do at Grace Baptist!