Get a complete ChurchFinder Profile
You've just updated your basic church info, which is free for you because it is supported by advertisers. But you can get all advertisements removed, be Featured at the top of your city, and get a complete ChurchFinder Profile for your church as part of our ChurchFinder Pro service.
Would you like to get your church in front of more people in your area? We can help!
Over 3 million people now using to find a church, but if your city is larger than 25,000 people, your church will be hard-to-find by people in your area. Even if you have a church website, often your ChurchFinder Profile is the first impression many in your area will see.
What would you like to do next?
I would like to upgrade my church to ChurchFinder Pro See Plans and Pricing
I would like to learn more about ChurchFinder Pro Learn More
I would like to complete the complimentary sections of my Church Profile Update My Church Profile
Why upgrade my church?
With an upgrade to ChurchFinder Pro, you are featured at the top of your Target City, all advertising is removed, and you unlock all of the features of your ChurchFinder Profile including a Featured Photo, a Photo Gallery, a Meet the Pastor page, and much more to make a great first impression! Partner with ChurchFinder to reach more people and grow your church!