Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
210 West Main Street
Hummelstown, PA 17036
United States
Hummelstown, PA 17036
United States
Service Times
Traditions worship with organ-led hymns begins at 8 and 11 AM. Our Celebration worship with Praise Band led music is a blended contemporary service that begins at 9:30 AM. Weekly Traditions worship services are radio broadcast each Sunday at 10 AM on FM 91.1. Celebrations worship live streams weekly on our YouTube channel at Trinity UMC, Hummelstown.
(717) 566-0252

Pastor Jason Mackey
Our Mission
Bringing hope to the hurting to rewrite stories one life at a time.
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
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About Trinity United Methodist Church
At Trinity, we believe the more you know, the more you care, and the more you care to know. That's why we're committed to learning each other's stories as we LOVE God and one another, LEARN about Jesus, LIVE out our faith, and LEAD others to come to know Jesus. Trinity is a family who gather to praise God, serve the community and the world, and love and care for one another. We are an open community of faith and everyone is welcome at Trinity.
Denomination / Affiliation:
United Methodist
Service and Sermon Style:
Contemporary Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Shepherd's Closet is a free public clothing bank housed at Trinity. Shepherd's Closet opened in February 2004 as a way to reach out to our local community and provide no-cost clothing. Though we aim to serve those with financial challenges, we recognize that financial need comes in many forms, and the savings people realize from receiving free clothing may enable them to pay it forward to others in need.
We believe that the church has one thing to offer that no other organization on earth does: Grace. And as human beings prone to make mistakes, we need to hear over and over again that God not only forgives but forgets our mistakes. We believe that we have the antidote to what ails the world: A relationship with Jesus Christ. Having a relationship with Jesus simply means that we develop a deep trusting friendship with our Lord and Savior. We believe Christ longs to set us free from any bondage and restore us to life-giving relationships with God, one another, and all creation. We believe that everyone has been given a gift from God to be used for the betterment of the community, and our job is to help you find your calling and equip you to follow God’s leading. We believe Jesus is the one who renews and transforms us, and we are called to live enthusiastically, sharing ourselves (all that we are) and our gifts from from God (all that we have) to be instruments of God’s reconciling love in the world.
Primary Bible Version Used:
New Living Translation
Communion Frequency:
Regularly Practice:
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements:
Apostles Creed
Trinity United Methodist Church is a Methodist Church located in Zip Code 17036.
Church Profile Manager: Karen Reichley