Meet The Pastor

Picture of Pastor Craig Walker
Lead Pastor Craig Walker
Craig Walker is the Founding Lead Pastor of Upward Church, a multi-campus, multi-state church, with three locations in Norfolk, VA , Williamsburg, VA and Pensacola, FL. Upward Churches are spreading across America as they aggressively make the Gospel relevant and accessible to our generation. Pastor Craig has been blessed to speak and travel around the world. He and his wife Lezli are former missionaries and together have planted churches in China, Czechoslovakia, and America. He is the founder of Friends of Internationals Inc. and the author of the books, Born for the Extraordinary, Catch: The Art of Fishing for Souls, Secret: The Single Greatest Leadership Key, Taboo: God and Money, Right Message Wrong Method: Church Marketing in a Postmodern World, Forecast: Surviving and Thriving in the Coming Tsunami of Change, Last Minute God and #JOY. Craig holds a Master Degree of Theology. He has been married to his sweetheart Lezli for 29 years and they are blessed with two children, Christian and Candace. They currently live in Pensacola, FL.