Meet The Pastor

Pastor Catlan Sardina
Catlan is originally from Eldred, New York, and Candice was born and raised in Anchorage, where they met. Catlan did not grow up in a Christian setting and was dramatically called from death to life in the summer between his Junior and Senior years of college. Catlan then served in the Army for ten years before answering the call to full-time ministry. He completed a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in 2021. Catlan, Candice, and their four children (Kinley, Catlan Jr., Cappy, and Kennedy) moved a lot during Catlan’s Army career, but Anchorage has been there home on earth during all the years of travels. Catlan and Candice served together in Children’s ministry at Cornerstone Church in 2011, then when Catlan’s Army career finished they were blessed to continue in that ministry as Catlan became the Children’s Pastor at Cornerstone from 2019 through 2023. God led Catlan, Candice and the Elders at Cornerstone Church to carry out God’s vision for church multiplication by launching a new church in 2024. That church multiplication vision became Rejoice Christian Church. Catlan’s passion is to preach God’s Word in spirit and truth. The Sardinas share a heart for the lost people of Anchorage and for unreached people groups throughout the world. Jesus is the greatest treasure, treasuring Him for eternity is the greatest promise, and separation from Jesus is the greatest humanitarian crisis.