Meet The Pastor

West Kenyon Bio
Senior Pastor West Kenyon
My only desire and goal is to always teach God’s Word, passionately, boldly, unashamedly, and directly, and all while leaving no room for uncertainty or question of the Truth. It is also my sincere hope and prayer, that I will to the best of my ability live up to all God has in store for me at Four Peaks Christian Church and serve everyone very honorably in His name.  ​ Through many discussions and much prayer, I believe everyone involved along the way has developed a church model which takes into account how Four Peaks Christian Church, can truly serve the Lord in a very unique way throughout our community and the world. Our mission is to lead by modeling authentic Christ centered, Bible centered worship, that is focused on continuous growth in our Lord and Savior through music and the spoken Word. Through all of this, It is my passion to serve those who are hungry to either find Christ or profoundly grow an already existing relationship with Him." You can read the full bio at