Meet The Pastor
Senior Pastor Matthew Woodburn
The church is not here to save you, Jesus is. The church is where we experience joy together.
Regardless of your past, present, current beliefs, sexual orientation, race, or socio-economic position, The CHURCH Fort Wayne is a safe place for you. Whether you call yourself a Christian, a skeptic, or have been put off by religious hypocrisy - this church is for you.
I don’t have the answers to all your biblical or spiritual questions. I hope you are ok with a leader who is far from perfect and who feels, as the apostle Paul says to be, “The worst among all sinners.” I have found answers in Jesus. I want to show you what I have found. After all, “Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.”
We started new church in Fort Wayne - not to call you out of bad behavior, but to call you into a journey. God doesn’t want you to be religious, He wants you to have joy. We will worship. We will learn from teaching. We will provide an incredible experience for your children to learn about the Bible. Jesus is who we will focus on.
All we have is Jesus.
The CHURCH Fort Wayne will communicate the unchanging message of Jesus to an ever-changing world!