Meet The Pastor
Lead Pastor Rocky Byers
Rocky Byers is a revivalist and the president of NextLevel Revival Ministries whose passion is to awaken the Church by encountering Jesus and intimacy with Holy Spirit. Rocky does this by being a man of fasting and prayer, teaching the Word with signs following. He is the pastor of NextLevel Dallas Church where he and his wife, Susan, teach the Word and minister prophetically.
Rocky has pastored for 35 years, preached in twenty different countries, and spoken at many pastors’ conferences over the years. As an associate pastor, he helped grow two mega churches – Bethel Church, Hampton, Virginia (3,000 members) and Church Without Walls, Tampa, Florida (5,000 members). He is a monthly guest preacher on King TV and can be seen on other worldwide networks like Best Life TV, Trumpet TV, YouTube, and Facebook. His ministry has led over ten thousand people to Christ. Thousands have been healed from cancer and other physical infirmities. One woman who suffered from the effects of polio for over 50 years and was limited to the use of a wheelchair, is now living wheelchair-free. Two adults who were hospitalized on life-support were instantly brought back to life and taken off life-support.
Rocky graduated from Rhema Bible College and has been ordained with them for the last 30 years. He earned his master’s degree in theological studies from Trinity Theological Seminary. Rocky is a member of the Bethel Leadership Network, Rhema Ministerial Association, and The Significant Church Network. He is also a certified life coach through [John] Maxwell Leadership and a certified counselor through Prepare/Enrich Ministries.
Pastor Troy, California
Rocky is real and relevant in what he teaches. Rocky’s ministry time here at Generations Church was powerful. We saw more people come to Christ in the three services he ministered than on Easter. Rocky and his wife Susan flow in the Prophetic, Words of Knowledge and Gifts of Healing. Without hesitation we recommend Rocky and his ministry to any church.
Elder Michael, Wisconsin
Rocky was asked to be a guest speaker at The River…our non-denominational church in Delevan, Wisconsin. At dinner the evening before and at lunch the following day, my wife and I had a terrific time with both Rocky and Susan! Their love for God and their love of life was evident, right-off-the-bat! By the time we parted, it was like saying good-bye to old friends…but the best was saved for Sunday morning when Rocky gave his passionate and very insightful message to the congregation that was immediately riveted on his every word. His sermon was clear. It dug deep. Rocky really knows how to capture an audience! When it was over, we had more people step forward than I had ever seen. Our sincere thanks to both of the Byers for gracing us with their time and making God’s Word come alive at The River!
Pastor Wayne, Virginia
Pastor Rocky’s ministry here at Calvary Temple was nothing short of Awesome! The anointing that he ministers under is so refreshing and breaks down barriers and walls on people’s hearts. We had Rocky minister at our 55th church anniversary and I cannot remember more people ever coming to Christ. I strongly recommend Pastor Rocky and his ministry.
Freedom Coach Blaine, Oklahoma
Rocky has been a friend and colleague in ministry for over three decades. I am always encouraged by his passion for Jesus, along with his unwavering commitment to propelling the Gospel forward in the nations. He speaks with honesty, vulnerability and compassion. Love this brother!