Meet The Pastor

Senior Pastor Dimary Rivera
Biography, Pastora Dimary Rivera Fontanez
Pastor Dimary Rivera Fontanez is the Administrative Pastor and Counselor
for elFARO Church, Assemblies of God, under the leadership of Rev. Enrique
Marquez. elFARO Church is dedicated to bringing people to Jesus and
developing their lives to grow, mature and become more like Christ; equipping
believers for their ministry in church and in the world; and, being instruments
in God hands, to edify, restore and adore. As of 2009, Pastor Dimary has
been faithfully serving in elFARO Church.
Pastor Dimary was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico, and currently resides in
Kissimmee, Florida. She is one of four siblings, married to Daniel Rivera and
a mother of a teenage son, Daniel Jose. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from
Atlantic College in Puerto Rico. Her design talents bless the church in developing publicity and
evangelistic promotions.
Pastor Dimary graduated from the Multicultural Bible Institute in 2015 with high honors. She became an
ordained a minister of the Assemblies of God in November 2019.
Pastor Dimary surrendered her will to the Lord and accepted the call to ministry in 1996. Her immediate
passion was ministering through missions where God called her to visit
• Various cities throughout Puerto Rico
• Honduras (one visit)
• Santo Domingo (three visits)
• Mexico (one visit)
• Columbia (four visits)
• Peru (one visit)
• Venezuela (one visit)
• Guatemala (one visit)
• Panama (one visit)
• Amazon Rainforest (two week visit)
Pastor Dimary was integral in the foundation of the Bendecido En Todo Arte (translation: Blessed In All
Arts) a ministry dedicated to the arts formed in Puerto Rico. This program was formed in 2003 and
remains in effect today. Pastor Dimary herself was called to minister through the arts in the form of
pantomime, where she ministered to people to in every city visited through her missions work. Through
this form of artistic ministry, Dimary has taught in public schools in Puerto Rico, led and coached the
Prophetic Steps ministry in Kissimmee, Florida, and, hosted seminars in Columbia to expand the
ministry within their local cities.
Pastor Dimary was also called to minister through women’s retreats. She has devotedly coordinated,
administered and ministered in more than 20 retreats in the states of Florida, Connecticut, Puerto Rico.
With her God-given passion to instruct, counsel and serve, Dimary has seen this ministry and fruit it
Over the past five years, Pastor Dimary has been teaching a multitude of classes for the Multicultural
Bible Institute in the Kissimmee South and the Orlando Southeast branches to include:
• BIB 115 Book of Acts
• TEO 114 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
• BIB 116 Life of Christ
• NIN 171 Empowered Church
• MIN 223 Evangelism
• TEO 211 Fundamental Doctrine
• TEO 142 History of the Assemblies of God
• BIB 112 New Testament
• TEO 361 Mission Theology
Above all, Pastor Dimary is visionary, Speaker, Preacher, Organizer, and Teacher of God's Word. She is
dedicated to serving the ministry, her congregation, and the community.