Meet The Pastor

Pastor Brian Casey
Pastor Brian Casey is the founder and senior pastor of Seaside Bible Church. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He graduated from Dayspring Bible College & Seminary in Lake Zurich, Illinois, and was ordained by Northland Bible Baptist Church of St. Cloud, Minnesota, in 2008.
While at Bible college, he met his wife, Michelle, and they married in 2004. They have 3 children: Drew, Emma, and Jake. Michelle serves as the church secretary, and head of our music and children's ministries.
In January of 2022, Pastor Casey planted Seaside Bible Church in Vero Beach, Florida. He is dedicated to preaching the clear gospel of grace apart from any works, and to building up strong believers who can share their faith and be a light in the world. He teaches verse-by-verse through books of the Bible, along with a variety of topical series.
In his spare time, Pastor Casey enjoys being outdoors, fishing, and visiting with friends, old and new.