Meet The Pastor

Lead Pastor Chris Hogue
Growing up in Plant City, Florida, Pastor Chris had no idea his journey would take him full circle. After leaving Plant City and moving to Nashville, Tennessee to pursue a music career would only be the first stop along the way. From Nashville would lead to New York City, and then from New York City back to Plant City, and then from Plant City to London, England, and then back to Plant City, and then from Plant City back to Nashville, and from Nashville back to Plant City, and from Plant City, to Atlanta, Georgia and now back to Plant City. Needless to say there was a theme to this journey.
The call to ministry had been on Pastor Chris' heart for many years and the experiences that God provided would ultimately prepare him to achieve what he had been created to do.
During his journey, God revealed many things to Pastor Chris and provided him with not only the experience, education and training, but brought his life helper in the form of his wife Jessica that would ultimately make him a husband and a father. Pastor Chris & Jessica along with their family have been pursuing the calling to be His servants ever since.
From every aspect of ministry, Pastor Chris & Jessica have seen God move in mighty and miraculous ways and look forward to what God has in store for GO Church.