Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
601 Seaway Drive
on the beach near the boat rental
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
United States
on the beach near the boat rental
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
United States
Service Times
Worship service each Sunday at 9:00 AM;
meet on the beach at Causeway Cove Marina near the boat rental. Bring your lawn chair. Watch our Facebook page for cancelation announcements.
(772) 528-6321

Founder and Senior Pastor Dave Sheil
Our Mission
To REACH the World with the Good News of the Gospel in plain English
It’s my prayer that the world will see the vision and support us in the mission of healing and rebuilding families as God heals and rebuilds lives which have been affected by not only alcohol and drugs, but also the dis-ease of manipulation, control, rage and codependency. In a phrase…Life Issues, Issues of the flesh and it’s natural desire to be in control. My prayer is that God would heal others through the love of Christ as individuals begin to believe the truth of the Gospel.
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About Reach Community Church
It’s our vision of reaching not only our seasonal attenders when they are visiting their northern homes, but also to REACH the World with the Good News of the Gospel in plain English. It’s my prayer that the world will see the vision and support us in the mission of healing and rebuilding families as God heals and rebuilds lives which have been affected by not only alcohol and drugs, but also the dis-ease of manipulation, control, rage and codependency. In a phrase…Life Issues, Issues of the flesh and it’s natural desire to be in control.
My prayer is that God would heal others through the love of Christ as individuals begin to believe the truth of the Gospel. You are loved, unconditionally. You are accepted, just as you are…but God loves you enough to not leave you that way. You are important in God’s plan. you have a purpose that He will reveal. You are adequate in ministry.
May God begin a work in your heart that brings you from “being ministered to” to “being a minister to”
Denomination / Affiliation:
Service and Sermon Style:
Contemporary Teaching
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
R - Rely on the Spirit within to guide us in ministry
and outreach. - Rom 8:14-17
E - Every member is a minister in the world. - 2 Cor 3:5,6
A - Acceptance and love are keys to building relationships. - 1 Cor 9:19-23 - John 13:34,35
C - Christ is the answer to any of life’s questions. - John 14:5,6
H - Healing is God’s job and we trust Him to deliver the lost. - Matt 9:10-13
Primary Bible Version Used:
English Standard Version
Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Reach Community Church is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 34946.
Church Profile Manager: Bruce Alsup