Meet The Pastor

Apostle and Senior Pastor Kathryn Krick
Apostle Kathryn was always hungering for more of God. In 2013 she came to Los Angeles from her hometown of Andes, NY to pursue acting. As soon as she arrived, the hunger of God increased. One day this hunger led her to experience the power of God through the ministry of a Prophet; opening her eyes to the fact that God does miracles today. This encounter led her to fully surrender to God and she was changed forever; set on fire. Her heart burned for people to experience the power of God here in America. She would pray “God, may all of your people receive true anointing, and experience prophetic ministry like I have, so they can be set on fire!” Apostle Kathryn was pursuing a career as a Christian Singer/Songwriter at the time. 9 months after encountering God’s power she attended a conference where God used a prophet to say, “I have called you to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ. You are called to reach the nations.” Upon hearing that word she felt like Moses (unqualified, unable to speak, and unable to picture herself ministering), but she had faith that God would equip her. She obeyed God’s call and put her music career pursuit aside. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, she launched a ministry in Los Angeles; beginning with church services on a mountain in Mulholland Drive (2017). God led her to launch Five-Fold Church with the mandate of bringing revival to America through the five-fold ministries. Apostle Kathryn is the Senior Pastor of Five-Fold Church, where miracles happen, people are healed, delivered and transformed as the prophetic anointing flows powerfully. Apostle Kathryn is passionate about seeing people receive the power of God through the prophetic and apostolic ministry of Jesus; to see people set free, full of zeal, and transformed into mature vessels of God.