Meet The Pastor

Rector Bruce W. Gray
The Reverend Bruce W. Gray, Rector
I was called to be Rector of Holy Family in March of 2018. This call came after I served nine years on the staff of the Bishop of Indianapolis, and before that serving in various congregations in California and Indiana. Despite the gray in my beard, I am full of energy and fueled by a daily curiosity about what God will be up to today, and how I might be called to participate in sharing God’s constant and infinite love for all humans and the rest of creation. My less lofty ambitions, but sometimes just as challenging, are to be a good husband, father, grandfather, and friend. My hobbies range from multiple sports to model railroading, with a willingness to undertake new adventures in various forms. Two important concepts for me are that first, God is always doing the heavy lifting in any given situation, and second, faithful sermons come from reading the Bible in one hand and the New York Times in the other.