Meet The Pastor
Pastor Terry Fischer
Terry Fischer
Welcome and God bless you as you visit our website. As Pastor of 'The Way Fellowship' I feel honored to represent the Lord Jesus and the amazing work of the Holy Spirit transforming lives thorough God's Word by the victory of Jesus Christ over sin, Satan and death.
For those who follow Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior "church" is an important component of His call: "Come, follow me." The Bible is clear on this..."not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
It is true that people are leaving churches in droves and that a new generation in America is 'leaving organized religion, never to return' (according to the latest pew research poll). The problem is not with God. The problem is not with "The Church". Jesus didn't come to institute an organized 'world religion'. His Church is not a man made, market-driven venture made up of factions that are trying to jostle each other for attendees while showing how "relevant” and tolerant they are of the prevailing moral climate around them. His Church is not a sour dogma that heaps guilt, catechisms and formal religious rites on those who happen to grow up in it. His Church is not a red-faced caricature angrily 'screaming into the darkness' with legalistic pride and condemnation. For all those reasons the problem is with us.
Jesus said, "I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." The church that Jesus is building exists in the world. It has been here for 2,000 years and it will remain Holy and faithfully serving and loving God with all its heart until Christ comes again. Jesus' church is the gathering together of those who have Jesus living in their hearts through the 'new birth', for Jesus said, "No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he be born again." The Church is a spiritual house made up of faithful Spirit-filled believers in Christ who are called out of the world and called together by the Holy Spirit to lift Jesus up as Lord, to worship and glorify God, to feed upon the Word of God (The Holy Bible) through preaching, teaching and prayer, to serve and love one another. They are then called out back into the world to live a life as a good witness of Jesus in truth and love and to share the Good News of Jesus.
If that resonates with you or if you have any questions I encourage you to reach out to me via the contact section at the bottom of this web page. I hope to see you "at church"!
-Pastor Terry
Terry Fischer, who grew up in a religion that had no power to save, met a man named Reed on a picket line in front of the old Allis Chalmers tractor company in the year of 1980. After the strike and several layoffs and the plant starting to close down, Terry started his own construction company in April of 1983. It was in August that same year that Terry hired Reed to come and work for Him. Reed was a strong believer in the Lord, so at the age of 27, Reed led Terry to the Lord.
Terry started to attend the Assembly of God church that Reed was attending which was located in Milwaukee, WI. Some weeks and months later, two of Terry’s sisters and his wife Joy, joined him by putting their faith in Jesus Christ. Several of his friends also came to know the Lord during that time. Terry went on to participate in many ministries in the church. He served as a deacon for 9 years. Though he didn’t know it, Terry was living a rather mediocre life in the Lord. In 1997 he attended a conference in Beaumont, Texas and came back home powerfully affected. Revival broke forth in his life, a revival that never left him.
After a few years, Terry started feeling the call to the ministry. He was offered to be mentored into the ministry by a pastor from a local Church of God (Cleveland TN). So after much prayer Terry felt the leading of God to go forward and joined the Church of God in July of 1998. In 1999 he received credentials to preach.
After a short time with the Church of God, Terry joined a non-denominational church named, The Church at the Paradise that a friend of his had started several years earlier. The reason for the name is because the church was started in a rented movie theatre called the Paradise Theatre. After the church changed locations a few times, the pastor resigned in the fall of 2001. On January 27, 2002, Terry, through the laying on of hands by the elders became the pastor of what was then called, Living Waters Church. They were presently meeting in a store front. By the end of that year on December 31st. Living Waters Church purchased their first church building with a house and vacant lot included. God was certainly pouring out His blessings on this small, but growing fellowship.
Today, the name has changed and the church is called, The Church in Wisconsin (TCIW). They don’t claim to be the only church, in fact, every born again believer, who lives in Wisconsin, is a part of the CHURCH in Wisconsin. The Bible often referred to the churches by their location such as the church in Ephesus or the church in Corinth, therefore, we have a church in Wisconsin.
In May of 2017, Terry and TCIW started another church in the City of Columbus, WI. The church named The Way Fellowship (TWF) currently meets at a farm. Terry presently serves as pastor to both churches. He preaches at TCIW at 10 AM and TWF at 3 PM on most Sundays.
The Lord has put a burden in Terry’s heart to see more whole gospel, Spirit filled churches be raised up in the state of Wisconsin. He also has the burden to help raise men up into the ministry. If you or a group of believers you know, would like to talk further about possibly having a church start up in your area, feel free to contact Terry at, 414-379-0557.