Meet The Pastor

Dr. Johnnie E Booker Jr
Dr. Johnnie E. Booker, Jr. Pastor, Teacher, Prophet
Dr. Usheka Booker, Teacher, Prophetess
Pastor has over 30 years experience, Believe in the whole Bible, as a guide to a successful Christian walk. Believe in the Presence of the Holy Spirit, should be present and He should be in full control. The title Doctor, come from over 30 years experience in having a strong background in laying on hands on the sick for healings, and Miracles in their lives. He is used in the office of a Prophet in the prophetic, prophesying, foresee. All for the Development Of the church.
(Dr. Johnnie Booker) Salvation only comes thru Jesus Christ our Lord, Who has pay the price for all our sins.
The Father of All creation Who has predestined His Will thru His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ by giving us the promise, the Holy Spirit that we may have access to God The Father, to receive all that has been established in Jesus and by Jesus who is Lord.
*Pastor Booker, has preach on tv, radio, Facebook live, YouTube, handouts, churches, houses, apartments, jails, gave to the poor, visit hospitals, and more,..
You can sit down with him, he will be happy to fellowship and share his vision.
His wife is a wonderful teacher, and is also used in the prophetic, she a great help, God used her in the gift of healings, and Miracles, and much more...
We all are family, can’t wait to meet you. “ Blessings”