Meet The Pastor

Pastor & Mrs Parker
Pastor Richard K. Parker
About Our Pastor Richard Parker Pastor Bio: Richard Parker decided as a young man that he needed to start going to church and clean up his life in order to be a good father. After searching for and visiting other area churches, he and his wife Dana found a good Bible believing Baptist Church. He decided right away that this was the church where God wanted him. After a few months of regularly attending services, they became "church members". He got his hair cut, started to dress "right", and stopped listening to worldly music. He looked and acted like a Christian. One night, while having a prayer meeting in his home, he fell under conviction. He slipped out of the meeting to go to the restroom. There he began to argue with the LORD. He realized that he had never trusted Jesus. He had absolutely no peace within. Finally, he fell on his knees and accepted Christ as his personal Savior.God had to show him that the work that Christ did for him (dying on the cross) was all he needed. After much travail, Christ in His mercy, gave him the faith that he needed to trust in Him, and he was saved! He was saved by grace through faith and not by works.The LORD blessed him with seven children. Several years later, he surrendered to preach. We thank God for Pastor Richard Parker.