Meet The Pastor

Pastor-Teacher Gabe Fung
Spectrum Church is led by a governing board who contribute to the work of the body of Christ ... to do good works, to share good words about Jesus, for the glory of God. As a church, we want to recognize all those whom God positions in places of leadership, some in a full-time vocational capacity, and others in a non-vocational capacity.
Gabe Fung, Pastor of Teaching and Equipping
Gabe was born in England and grew up in Hong Kong. He previously served as a missionary in Australia with Youth With A Mission, and as a pastor with churches in Westminster and Irvine, Calif. He has a BA from Seattle Pacific University, and MDiv and DMin degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary. His central focus in ministry is helping people trust and follow Jesus in all of life and equipping them to help others do the same. Gabe is married to Maribeth and they have two children, Matthew and Amy.
Aaron Schweizer, Pastor of Community Leadership and Administration
Aaron grew up in Berkeley, Calif., and became a Christian in college while attending UC San Diego. He served as missionary with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ, Intl.) for 17 years. During his time with Cru, Aaron received theological and leadership training through Reformed Theological Seminary, and he is currently pursuing an MBA through Cal State Fullerton. Aaron is passionate about coming alongside the church to lead and empower the body of Christ toward fruitfulness in mission and vision. He is a strategic thinker and problem solver whose spiritual gifting is in shepherding, leadership, and administration. He and Minda have four children, Abigail, Elsa, Theo, and Asher.