Meet The Pastor

Apostle Allen E. Coleman,Jr.
Apostle Apostle Allen E Coleman Jr
…about the Apostle that God has set over The Ministry… Apostle A.E.Coleman,Jr… ————————– UNderseer of The Ministry,(under The Holy Ghost’s Guidance). God has brought him up through the ranks of Ministry Offices… 1. as a student of The Gospel (Disciple)… 2. Then an Evangelist 3. then as Prophet… 4. then as Pastor AND Teacher…then to rest into The Office of Apostle…. God has used Apostle to establish a Ministry for The Gospel amongst the prisoners of a Prison…amongst gangs and others that were demonically attacked….many of them believed and also some were converted and got out of gangs to come INTO God’s Family of BELIEVERS. God has joined Apostle to other Ministers,(whom he fellowships with to this VERY day)…,and to walk WITH them in their EARLY stages of Ministry training…to share the Truth with them…and to encourage them to study and to STAY in The Word….even to be sharpened by OTHER Ministers that have already BEEN established..God then allowed Apostle to be amongst the civilians to Minister to them…and APPLY the training in which God gave him from God’s OWN University,(Jesus Christ University…taught by Prof. Holy Ghost),and even as some OTHERS have been trained by God also. Apostle Coleman was raised in the Baptist Denomination,and educated through many of the denominations,as far as The Truth that THEY may have,yet forsaking and rejecting the imparting of their philosophies, and their DENOMINATIONAL Doctrines. God has Ministered unto Apostle Coleman The Truth…and used THOSE places and methods to get Apostle IN the “path” of Worship and seeking a relationship with Him,Elohiym. God hath Blessed Apostle to go through the trials,depending on Him (God)…and seeing to HIM (God) to deliver Apostle…then AS HE trained Apostle,and taught Apostle…The Holy Ghost then gave Apostle Coleman a Word to share with the Brethren,and to ALERT the lost….that Word…was the Word on Demonology. God hath Anointed Apostle to Minister THIS Word to HIS Saints and to THE LOST: "satan is REAL…and he is out to LURE you to Hell…with him and HIS angels(demons). he (satan) is using MANY kinds of schemes and ploys to get you there. he perverts the Doctrine of GOD, he institutes his OWN government…and he is the destroyer of families… marriages… Ministries…people." The Word that God gave Apostle Coleman to share,(bottom-line Word),is: “BE YE READY TO WITHSTAND him..(satan ,with a SMALL “s”)…and that IS done ONLY BY THE WORD OF GOD,The Sword of The SPIRIT….in Jesus’ Name, and by HIS Authority….and His Spirit”~ ​ Apostle Allen E. Coleman,Jr. is a single Father and has 7 Children and many grands,with Callings on their lives,that WILL GLORIFY GOD! >~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~> >~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~
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