Meet The Pastor

Periodista, escritor, cantante, conferencista internacional y pastor. Nació en Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Sirvió en las Fuerzas Armadas y fue condecorado y reconocido en varias ocasiones por su servicio al País. En 1999 es llamado fue servir como plantador de iglesias en el noroeste de Estados Unidos.
Pastors Edgar Trinidad
Bienvenidos, Oramos porque el Dios de toda gracia y bondad te cubra con una unción especial y fresca. Pedimos que Él te empodere para comunicar efectivamente a los demás la vibrante esperanza que Él te ha dado para perseverar en las luchas que has superado y continúas superando. Creemos en la Biblia y la aceptamos como la absoluta Palabra de Dios para nosotros, un libro que está vivo y tiene relevancia en la vida hoy en día. El conocer sus verdades es una aventura emocionante. Y esperamos que el precioso Espíritu Santo te ilumine en su Palabra a medida que la lees. En SEIBSA, la razón principal para reunirnos es poner nuestra atención en Dios, para adorarlo, recibir Su bendición y para que Él nos inspire. Cada vez que nos reunimos es una ocasión de celebración y renovación spiritual. Así como Jesucristo vino, no para servirse a sí mismo, sino para servir a los demás, nosotros aceptamos la responsabilidad de ayudar a otros. Tus oraciones, tu apoyo y tu amor son importantes para nosotros. Esperamos poder servirte. - Pastor Edgar Trinidad Welcome, We pray that the God of all grace and goodness will cover you with a special and fresh anointing. We ask that He empowers you to effectively communicate to others the vibrant hope that He has given you to persevere in the struggles you have overcome and continue to overcome. We believe in the Bible and accept it as the absolute Word of God for us, a book that is alive and relevant in life today. Knowing their truths is an exciting adventure. And we hope that the precious Holy Spirit will enlighten you in his Word as you read it. At SEIBSA, the main reason to come together is to focus on God, to worship Him, to receive His blessing and for Him to inspire us. Each time we meet is an occasion of celebration and spiritual renewal. Just as Jesus Christ came, not to serve himself, but to serve others, we accept the responsibility to help others. Your prayers, your support and your love are important to us. We hope we can serve you. Welcome, We pray that the God of all grace and goodness will cover you with a special and fresh anointing. We ask that He empowers you to effectively communicate to others the vibrant hope that He has given you to persevere in the struggles you have overcome and continue to overcome. We believe in the Bible and accept it as the absolute Word of God for us, a book that is alive and relevant in life today. Knowing their truths is an exciting adventure. And we hope that the precious Holy Spirit will enlighten you in his Word as you read it. At SEIBSA, the main reason to come together is to focus on God, to worship Him, to receive His blessing and for Him to inspire us. Each time we meet is an occasion of celebration and spiritual renewal. Just as Jesus Christ came, not to serve himself, but to serve others, we accept the responsibility to help others. Your prayers, your support and your love are important to us. We hope we can serve you. -Pastor Edgar Trinidad
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