Meet The Pastor
Campus Pastor Rick Rucker
Rick was born in Barberton, Ohio, and raised in Akron and Lebanon, Ohio. In 1995, when Rick was a sophomore in high school, his family moved to West Jefferson, Ohio, and started attending Cypress. Rick quickly got involved in the student ministry and began serving in it regularly. As a high school student, he had the desire to see his friends know Christ so he started a Bible study in his parent’s basement. Reaching out to others has always been a passion of his. After high school, Rick attended Ohio Christian University for a degree in Student Ministries while working part-time as the Cypress Middle School Student Pastor on the weekends. Upon graduation in 2001, Rick became a full-time, Student Pastor at Cypress. Rick was involved in student ministry for 15 years and then transitioned into working as the Director of Hospitality and leading Cypress’ Resident and Intern program.
Rick and his wife, Crystal, met at Ohio Christian University. They have been married for 16 years. They have three children: Kalliandara, Bransen, and Maria. Ministry has always been Rick’s heart and he longs to see people come to Christ and begin their faith journey.