Meet The Pastor

Lead Pastor Shea Prisk
It is crazy that God has led my wife and I to this point- starting a church. I didn’t see this coming, in fact, I told many people in college, “I will never work for a church.” So much for sticking to my guns- God has a way of asking us to do things that make us most uncomfortable. It’s in those moments that we rely and depend on Him most, because we know we can’t pull it off on our own. As we start this church, I’m terrified, humbled, and excited. I’m terrified because in so many ways I feel inadequate- I can’t believe that God chose me, a very ordinary man, to start this church. I’m so humbled that God, on a daily basis, uses average people to accomplish His mission on earth. But more than anything, I’m excited. I’m so excited to see how God will use Grumlaw to make an impact on Grand Blanc and the surrounding communities. I’m so excited to see lives completely transformed because of Jesus. I long for people to know that there is a very real God out there who absolutely wants what’s best for them- that God desires a relationship with every person on this planet because a life with Him is the most freeing and fulfilling way to possibly live. I desperately want people to know this- I desperately want to see more people have a relationship with their Creator.
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