Meet The Pastor
Evangelist Dr. Gerald E. Lee
Bro. Lee was born in Los Angeles, California where he spent the early years of his life. Having a father in the ministry resulted in multiple moves throughout his life. However, the largest portion of his youth was in Texas and North Carolina.
He is blessed to have married his college sweetheart, Tonya Marie, and has enjoyed over 39 years of marriage. They have four wonderful children, Dawn and her husband Dewayne; Gerald, II and his wife Shirona; Darryl and Dennis. The couple also share six beautiful grandchildren: Cameron, Hailey, Danielle, Denice, Domonique and Giana. God has demonstrated His favor through the blessing of Brother Lee's family, which he says serves as the earthly source of all strength.
Brother Lee is commissioned by God to represent His kingdom and illuminate His Word. He has managed to honor this charge in a myriad of forms ranging from 18 years of service at Southwestern Christian College to over 40 years of direct service in the pulpit. Through God's favor, he was blessed to plant the beautiful congregation of PWCOC, which is the most loving, committed and spiritually oriented congregation of God's people he has ever been blessed to experience. Planted in November 2010, he is currently laboring with God's people there and trust God will call him home while serving these wonderful people.
His hobbies are reading, golf and creating moments with his physical and spiritual family.
Brother Lee wasn't brought to PWCOC; rather, she was brought to him, inspired by a love for God's people. God brought him the inspired vision of a congregation of people who loved Him, His Word and each other.
"I stepped out on faith, and from that seed of inspiration emerged the people of God with whom we now worship," Brother Lee said.
When asked how Christ is revealed in him, he said, "Service for humanity and doing my part to assuage the burdens of mankind."