Meet The Pastor
Rev. Brad Harbin
It is my privilege to pastor as an under shepherd here at Enterprise Baptist. God brought us to Enterprise by His way only, and we knew His hand was upon us from the first time meeting these people. I knew God wanted me to witness within the community that I live in, but did not realize He was working out the details to bring us here. To give a quick bio of this amazing work of God would not do Him justice.
I would like to say though that God saved me at the age of twenty-seven. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, He worked on my heart and I answered His call to serve in full-time ministry at the age of thirty-six. God has continued to grow my family in ways only possible through our weaknesses and for His glory. I am a graduate of Liberty University. My wife Jennifer and I have been married since July of 2003. She is a 3rd grade teacher at Union Heights Elementary that is in our community where she ministers on a daily basis. We have a nine year old daughter, Julie, that is a blessing from God to keep my wife and I humble.
My passion is to see every home in Hamblen County know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Serving the congregation here at Enterprise is wonderful. This is a committed family of believers who truly want to show love to this community, and it great to see that in this day.
I would love an opportunity to speak to you at anytime. If I could be of any assistance to you and your family, know that I will seek the Lord in all matters. In Christ, Pastor Brad