Meet The Pastor

Pastor Daton Griffin-Sloat
A Note From The Pastor A Letter Printed in the October 2017 Newsletter Springtime and Harvest, Sowing and Reaping mark the stories Jesus told to teach us of God's love, which he saw in the regular gifts of sunshine and rain and growth. As we approach the Advent and Christmas season, we mark the return to school (already more than a month old) Halloween, Veteran's Day, then Thanksgiving. As our lives continue to grow busier and busier we always remember, as we pause to worship each week, how the "signs and seasons and days and years" were part of God's special purpose in Creation, as described in Genesis. The years seem to go by quicker and quicker as we age, but if we pause and pray, and remember who it is that has charge of those years, we can face them with hope and joy. See you in church!  Pastor Dayton Cell No. 909-910-0966