Meet The Pastor

Head Pastor Rev. Dr. H Timothy Halverson
A young schoolboy was trying out for a part in the school play. His mother knew that he had set his heart on it, though she was afraid he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, she drove to school to pick him up. The young lad rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement. Then he said some words to her that should remain a lesson to us all: “I have been chosen to clap and cheer!”
In the same way, God has lovingly chosen each of us for different and special tasks in the church. Everyone has been blessed by God with unique talents and abilities. It is our goal at Faith Presbyterian Church to be organized in such a manner as to utilize all church members in meaningful ministry.
It is my hope that you will give prayerful consideration as to how your talents and interests match the ongoing ministry opportunities at Faith Presbyterian. Please contact the church office (239-542-2858) to express your interest or to simply ask questions.
Rev. Dr. H Timothy Halverson, but please, call me Pastor Tim!
The Reverend Dr. H Timothy Halverson has been the Pastor and Head of Staff at Faith since 1997. Prior to coming to Florida, he was the pastor of churches in Pennsylvania (Watsontown), Ohio (Kent), and Illinois (LaGrange). Tim is a graduate of Muskingum College, Yale Divinity School (where he was a Rockefeller Fellow), and Palmer Seminary. In 1992, Tim was chosen to be a Merrill Fellow at Harvard University. Tim and his wife, Martha, have seven children and are empty nesters. After having her own business, painting and design work for the table-top industry, Martha has ‘retired’ to play golf and spend more time with their thirteen grandchildren.