Meet The Pastor

Brother or Pastor Frank Castanette
Frank has been in ministry for the last 35 years. He began in ministry as a worship leader and has professionally recorded 3 music albums. He and his wife, Cindy, have been married almost 30 years, have 4 grown children, and 5 grandchildren. Cindy is recently retired from teaching 30 years in local public schools and helps with children’s ministry at Hosanna.
We believe in the inspired word and take bible study seriously. We are very musical and give a significant time to praise and worship, believing that worship is eternal. We also feel that fellowship is just as important as studying the bible, praise, and worship. As to why we have delicious, homemade soup every Sunday after church? We all like to eat and spend time with friends!
To reach out with the love of Jesus Christ to those looking for answers to life.
To effectively present the teachings of Christ without adding to, or taking away, from what he has commanded us.
To create a loving, caring, family environment as defined by scriptures within our immediate fellowship and extended family fellowship of believers, throughout our city and region. “By this, all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” John 13:35