Meet The Pastor

Pastor Bill Jenkins
As a seventeen-year-old, I had a strong passion for baseball, and I had an opportunity to sign a professional contract, but it was only three days before my 18th birthday when I had an encounter with God, which completely changed my life and future.
Instead of seeking success through baseball, I became a youth pastor and traveled the United States preaching the Gospel. Later, I attended Christ for the Nations Bible College in Dallas, Texas, where I graduated in 1990. I have been in full-time ministry for over 30 years, and most of those years were spent in Indiana.
In 2015, the Lord impressed upon my heart to come to Southern California and start a church in the I.E. After much prayer, the Lord birthed Destinyland Christian Center in Rancho Cucamonga. We are excited about what God is doing and going to do in our city and in the I.E. We are believing for people who are hungry for the Lord and want an encounter with Him to join us and call us your home.
Aside from being a senior pastor, God also called me to be a husband in 1998 to my wife, Britain Jenkins, and a father to our three sons: Bryce, Brock, and Brady. I try every day to be a model of what a Godly man looks like, not only in the pulpit, but also as the head of my family and to our three sons. I also make time, if given the opportunity, to coach my sons’ baseball, football, and basketball teams, among my many other duties in life. I have also published over 10 books that are easy reads and will cause your relationship with the Lord to grow deeper. You can view more information by visiting my personal website,
It would be an honor for you to come and visit us and allow the Lord to touch you in a new way and for Christ to become more real to you than ever before. DCC is A New Church for Your New Day.
Pastor Bill Jenkins