Meet The Pastor

Pastor Pete Robertson
Pastor Pete and his wife Christine came to us from Southern California in 2014. Pastor Pete was called into ministry after school and began his journey as a youth Pastor for 9 years. He was then later called to plant his first church in St George, Utah in 2002. Pastor Pete’s background comes from being brought up in Calvary Chapel under the teaching ministry of Pastor Chuck Smith. Pastor Chucks teaching chapter by chapter verse by verse has taught Pete to learn the whole Bible in context and to let the Bible speak for itself. Pastor Pete has great passion for God’s word and is expressed in his teaching. He’s very relational with both the young and more mature Christian. Pastor Pete has been given a burden to see people live in the freedom of Christ, his teachings offer simple tools on how every Christian can live victoriously in every moment.
Pastor Pete and his wife Christine have owned a print mail house and Ad agency for more than 21 years. With Christine as the boss and Pete as her consultant, they have used the means God has provided for them to further Gods kingdom. They both oversee two non-profit organizations; Butterfly International and Bless it Forward. With their knowledge of business, these ministries come along side of missionaries out in the field by providing means to offset their expenses, as well as start or maintain their business. Pastor Pete and Christine along with their three kids are very creative and expressive in everything they do.
In short, the journey that has brought Pastor Pete and Christine to Central Florida has been one of being stripped of everything. In 2008 God made it clear that Pete was no longer in control of his life and that his life was to be fully available to Him. God’s word that was spoken to Pete was that “You did it your way, now it’s time to do it my Way.” That night while crying in his garage, Pete fully surrendered his will to God’s will and now strives to only do as He sees what His father is doing. His life testimony is one of many miracles that many, including God can testify to.
Pastor Pete and Christine have three kids Austin 22, Breeana 18 and Faith 13 along with their lovable bulldog Gracie.
Pastor Pete’s Passion & Vision
Pastor Pete believes that God desires each and every believer to fulfill their calling in whatever capacity He has gifted them. He believes that we are all created equal and that no person is better or worse in Gods eyes. His heart is to see people trust Jesus in every aspect of their lives and to realize that with Gods strength we are all capable of doing so much more than we imagine. Pastor Pete is a man that is radically on fire for Jesus, his passion for Christ is always on display and desires to see everyone around him radically on fire for Jesus as well. Passive people many times don’t engage the enemy, Pastor Pete believes that we are to be warriors, ready to battle Satan in the spirit whenever the opportunity arises. He believes that Satan has gained too much ground and it’s time for Gods Holy people to love, to see others as Jesus sees them and to take back what God has given us.