100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Pinehaven Presbyterian Church PCA
2001 Pinehaven Drive
Clinton, MS 39056
United States
Service Times
9:30 AM Sunday School / 10:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship / 
5:30 PM Sunday Evening Worship
(601) 708-4653

Our Mission

Pinehaven Presbyterian Church is made up of a diverse group of people of different backgrounds, races, ages, and stages of life who are united together in Jesus Christ. We care for one another, encourage one another, rejoice with one another, and pray for one another as we walk through the Christ life together.

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About Pinehaven Presbyterian Church PCA

Pinehaven Presbyterian Church of Clinton, Mississippi, is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). We are a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ who are saved by God’s sovereign grace and committed to Christ-like living. Our chief goal as God’s people is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. The highlight of our life as a church is coming together each Lord’s Day, morning and evening, to worship our great God. Pinehaven Presbyterian Church is new to the Clinton Community, but it isn't new. Two congregations that had each been started in 1955 - St. Paul Presbyterian Church and Mount Salus Presbyterian Church - joined together in 2006 with the intention of relocating to Clinton. In 2013, we opened our doors to proclaim the life-chaning gospel in this community as Pinehaven Presbyterian Church.
Denomination / Affiliation: Presbyterian Church in America
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages


In addition to our worship services on Sunday, Pinehaven Presbyterian Church offers a variety of opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. 1) Sunday School classes for all ages and nursery 2) Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting and Children's Catechism Club 3) Youth Bible Studies and Activities 4) Women's Bible Studies, Luncheons, and an annual Retreat 5) Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
Our worship services at Pinehaven are reverent, joyful, simple, God-centered and scripture-filled. When we gather to meet with living God, we read and preach from His Word. We also pray, sing hymns and psalms, and celebrate the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper.


We believe that in Jesus Christ you can experience the forgiveness of sin, reconciliation with God, and a new and abundant life. "Scripture Alone" - we believe i the authority of God's Word. "Grace Alone" - we are all sinners, saved only by God's grace. "Christ Alone" - Christ accomplished our salvation through his sinless life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection. "Faith Alone" - God calls people everywhere to trust in Christ alone for salvation. "God's Glory Alone" - our highest purpose is to bring glory to God, our creator and redeemer.


Pinehaven Presbyterian Church PCA is a Presbyterian Church located in Zip Code 39056.

Church Profile Manager: Jack Fang