Meet The Pastor

Fr. Tim Backus
Rector Rev. Tim Backus
My name is Fr. Tim Backus. I am Rector at St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Gulf Breeze, Florida. No matter where you are from; where you are in life; or, whatever questions or doubts you may have, the Episcopal Church welcomes you. Period. The faith we hold is ancient, going back to Jesus and to his spiritual ancestors. What we do is partially based on the ancient church—worship and music; loving service to the poor, the hurting, the lonely; working for justice and peace; lively, fearless education and formation of minds and souls. But, our faith is also completely contemporary and engaged in the culture and the needs of the moment. St. Francis parish stands for the dignity and worth of every person. We continually cultivate an open minded, passionate commitment to truth found through the interaction of scripture, tradition and reason (including science). We defend every person’s right to disagree with another, clergy included. We admit we do not have all the answers so it follows that we reject bigotry, elitism and indifference to injustice and suffering. We take joy in God’s creation. We value God, family, community and nation. We are patriots who believe in staying current but are rooted in the traditions of our Founding Fathers. And, we reserve special appreciation for those who make an effort to get to know and follow Jesus.