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Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
Hollywood, FL 33024
United States
Service Times
LEARN - LOVE - LEAD Saturday's @6:00pm - Family Worship Service Sabados @6:00pm - Servicio de Adoracion Familiar

Our Mission

God doesn't want us to be like the nations; He wants us to be an EXAMPLE to the nations.
MISSION To bring forth generations to the blueprint of Jesus Christ while exercising a personal and congregational relationship with the Father whom has granted us access through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the gracious direction of the Holy Spirit who guides us in our daily lives.




WELCOME HOME We welcome you every Saturday to experience our worship service and the Word of God that will transform your life. BIENVENIDO A CASA Le damo la bienvenida todos los sábados para que experimente nuestro servicio de adoración y la Palabra de Dios la cual transformará su vida.
Denomination / Affiliation: Full Gospel
Service and Sermon Style: Spirit-led Preaching
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages
Community Projects: 0-12
Primary Language: English
Other Language Services: Spanish


Church Ministries
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Mother’s Day Out
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
Food Pantry
Community Outreach (Monthly) Feeding & Clothing Homeless Hospital Visits Home Visitations Counseling Marriage Classes (12 Week Course) Baptisms


We believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son & the Holy Spirit. Called to serve the community, MADV MISSION CHURCH was established in 2014 in the heart of Miami to spread not only the Gospel (the good news) but to share the love of God. Having the passion to render an excellence level in worship and to establish the kingdom through out world. MOTTO: God hasn’t called us to be like the Nations; He has called us to be an example to the nations. CULTURE: A loving and transparent community of Non- Denominational believers, whose culture is distinguished through spirit led worship that is based on firm biblical faith principles. We are a church that loves unconditionally and is passionate for what moves the heart of God. BELIEFS: Make disciples of all the nations {Helping the people to learn about Him, believe in Him, and obey His Word, baptizing them in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, based on MATTHEW 28:19 We believe that the Bible is more than a sufficient guide for our faith and our conduct. This Declaration of Fundamental Truths is intended simply to be a basis for fellowship between us (e.g., let we all speak the same thing, 1 Corinthians 1:10; Acts 2:42). The phraseology used in this statement is not inspired or disputed, but the truth that is presented is considered essential to a complete gospel ministry. It is not stated that this statement contains all the biblical truth, only that it encompasses our need for these fundamental doctrines.
Primary Bible Version Used: New International Version
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Communion Frequency: Monthly
Eternal Security: Yes, Can Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Regularly Practice
Regularly Practice: Altar Call or Invitation


CLOSED is a Non-Denominational Church located in Zip Code 33024.

Church Profile Manager: CLOSED CLOSED

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