101-500 Members
Church Profile
Service Times
St. John’s meets at 5pm on Saturday afternoons at Christ United Methodist Church, 508 Franklin Road, Franklin, TN 37069. We meet in the chapel at the north end of the building. Pull in and turn left to park and enter the side door. You can expect the service to last about an hour and 15 minutes. At the close of the Worship Service, we gather for snacks and time together.
St. John’s also offer mid week Holy Communion at 12 noon on most Wednesdays at CUMC, main sanctuary. Check our calendar for weeks off. The noon service last between 30 and 40 minutes.
(615) 771-9377
Rector Rev. Kenny Benge
Our Mission
We recognize three aspects of our common life as a church that help us live into an alternative vision of human flourishing:
First, we are a liturgical, worshipping community. In worship, we hear the word of forgiveness, and God renews, refreshes and reorients our hearts and minds to His kingdom and purposes. Worship flows into our daily lives as we are sent out in mission—family, community, work, and world.
Second, we are a teaching-learning community. Jesus said we make disciples by teaching; we flourish in our life, work and relationships as we grow in the wisdom and understanding provided by the Scriptures.
Finally, we are a missional community. God calls us to be faithfully present in the places He has put us, contributing to the flourishing of the greater community in which we are a part. We do this by living out our vocations in the world and by ministering to the broken and disenfranchised, to the materially poor and the spiritual poor in our community and to the ends of the earth.
We also recognize that flourishing involves not only what we do, but how we do it. The following are important “ways” of carrying out our mission:
Organic Approach—God causes the growth. This is freeing: the task of ministry leaders becomes cultivating and nurturing the life God gives, and creating structures and contexts where it can grow and express itself in ways that glorify God.
Sabbath Rhythms—Rhythms of work and rest are fundamental to human flourishing. We desire to live into these Sabbath rhythms of work and rest as a church, as families and as individuals. These rhythms help us receive our homes, our families, our friends, and our church as gifts from God—leading to gratitude and worship.
Team-Based Ministry—We will develop ministry teams that reflect the inter-penetrating fellowship and love of the triune God: relationship, mutuality, and unity in diversity. Whenever possible, teams will be collaborative, trusting, empowering, and learning.
Limited Spans of Care—Our finitude means that we have limited time, energy, and resources. Our organizational structure should provide a limited spans of care so that ministry leaders can focus on a few and give themselves to them. Thus, leaders need to be developed within the church and groups need to be multiplied on a consistent basis.
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About St. John's Anglican Church
Growing in Christ together, becoming His followers in the world...
Since our beginning, the vision for St. John’s was that it would be a “garden for human flourishing.” We are committed to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ the center of our life together, and we believe the Gospel is the key to human flourishing. Our fast-paced, technology-saturated world is a challenging environment for those who desire to flourish in their relationship with God. St. John’s will nurture and cultivate a way of being with God that helps us resist the pressures of our culture and offers ancient rhythms and deep communion with God.
At St. John’s, we are first and foremost Christians, not Anglicans, but we intentionally look to the Anglican Way for practices and resources to shape our worship and discipleship. We seek to make our journey together with Christ with the wisdom and disciplines of the ancient faith applied in fresh ways. We believe the scriptures are trustworthy for the living of our lives. We believe that the liturgy provides helpful boundaries and words for our corporate worship.
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
The Nicene Creed
We believe the Nicene Creed provides a faithful outline of the Christian life. This statement was crafted by the Church in the fourth century, and serves as the central statement of Christian theology. It reveals the essential elements of our faith, and we confess it together almost every Sunday as part of our services.
The 39 Articles of Religion
The framework of our congregation is Anglican. The basic theology of Anglicanism is summed up in these 39 “Articles of Religion.” They come from the time of the English Reformation, though the following version uses more modern language.
The 39 Articles affirm the following:
Faith in the Holy Trinity
The Word, or Son of God, who became truly man
The descent of Christ into the realm of the dead
The resurrection of Christ
The Holy Spirit
The Sufficiency of Scripture for salvation
St. John's Anglican Church is a Episcopal Church located in Zip Code 37069.
Church Profile Manager: Michael McGhee