101-500 Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
111 Edgemont Drive
Kings Moutain, NC 28086
United States
Kings Moutain, NC 28086
United States
Service Times
Sunday School: 8:45 a.m.
Fellowship Time: 9:30 a.m.
Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening Meal: 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study: 6:30 p.m.
(704) 739-4917

Pastor Nick N.
Our Mission
Our vision at Boyce Memorial ARP Church is to make the glory of God known throughout Kings Mountain & Cleveland County by the power of the Holy Spirit and through the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to establish a loving, caring, worshiping, spiritually vibrant community of growing believers that is founded on the Word of God, submissive to the Holy Spirit’s direction, readily proclaiming the Gospel.
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About Boyce Memorial Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Our vision at Boyce Memorial ARP is to make the glory of God known throughout Kings Mountain & Cleveland County by the power of the Holy Spirit and through the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to establish a loving, caring, worshiping, spiritually vibrant community of growing believers that is founded on the Word of God, submissive to the Holy Spirit’s direction, readily proclaiming the Gospel.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
We are a congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) Church. Our official doctrinal standards are the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. The statements below summarize what we believe.
We believe the Bible is the written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that all people are sinners and totally unable to save themselves from God’s displeasure, except by His rich mercy. We believe that salvation is by God alone as He sovereignly chooses to save sinners. We believe His choice is based on His grace, not on any human individual merit, or foreseen faith.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him, alone, for salvation.
We believe that God is gracious and faithful to His people not simply as individuals but as families in successive generations according to His Covenant promises.
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells God’s people and gives them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him.
We believe that Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His people to Himself.
We believe that all aspects of our lives are to be lived to the glory of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
You may find the Westminster Standards here:
You may learn more about the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church here:
and here:
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Boyce Memorial Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church is a Reformed Church located in Zip Code 28086.
Church Profile Manager: Nick Napier