100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday 10:45am-12pm
Wed 7pm-8pm
(630) 882-0882

Pastor Dennis Cocks
Our Mission
At New Hope Baptist Church we want to be sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to make sure that you know beyond any doubt that heaven will be your home when you die? How?
I so appreciate the truth preached, especially in these days. Pastor Dennis does this, and God bless him for it.

I have been a member since the inception of our church and want to invite anyone looking for a friendly atmosphere with God's word at the focus of all we do. We are family and want you to consider giving New Hope Baptist church a try! New Hope isn't just a cool...
Read more About New Hope Baptist Church
Welcome, and thank you for visiting New Hope Baptist Church online. Before you go any further into our website, we want to let you know a little about us. New Hope is a church filled with imperfect people. People with imperfect lives, imperfect problems, and imperfect looks all who meet here, as one body, to worship and serve a truly amazingly Perfect God! So please, if you're "perfect", for your own good, don't bother visiting us. You'll just feel out-of-place.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Baptist- Independent
Service and Sermon Style:
Topical Sermons
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
At New Hope Baptist Church we believe in the importance of the family. First and foremost we want to make sure you are part of God’s family, that you are one of His children. John 1:12 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: "The Bible is full of family terms. Israel is called the wife of God, the Church is called the Bride of Christ. God is our Heavenly Father and Jesus is His only begotten Son. The first organism God established was the family when He created Adam and then Eve. Then they soon had children. The husband and wife relationship is a picture of our relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the Husband (Bridegroom), we are His Wife (bride). Ephesians 5:25 says, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" I believe the Church will only be as strong as its families. As the family unit goes, so goes the Church. This is why Satan is attacking the family unit so vehemently. This is why we see the divorce rate so high not only in the secular world, but also in the Church. At New Hope we want to help people build strong families by teaching men how to be good husbands and fathers, women how to be good wives and mothers, and children to respect both mom and dad. Even though we know we will not win every battle in our church for the family, we are still passionate about doing what we can to equip people to help break the cycle of divorce and wayward children. We will give people the tools, but it is up to them to use them. So no matter your marital status, single, married, divorced, or widowed, we invite you to become part of the Family of God at New Hope Baptist Church. A place where family matters.
Older Children/adults
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
New Hope Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 60545.
Church Profile Manager: Bill Vella