100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday Mornings:
9:30 - Grace Groups
10:45 - Worship

Lead Pastor Rev. Kyle Tubbs
Our Mission
Our vision is to impact our world, in Williamson County and beyond, by joining God in God’s extraordinary work of reconciliation and redemption of all creation.
Our mission is to be a Christ-centered community, empowered by the Spirit, engaged in intentional worship, spiritual formation, and holistic ministry for the Glory of God.
Our core values are:
-worshiping with reverence and joy,
-affirming the freedom to question openly and think deeply,
-nurturing authenticity and maturity in faith,
-valuing both women and men in ministry,
-embracing and serving all people with the love of Christ.
Affiliations: We partner for ministry with the Williamson Baptist Association, Baptist General Convention of Texas, and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
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About Grace Baptist Church
We are a Baptist church seeking to know Christ in simple, thoughtful, warm and reverent ways. We incorporate contemplative and liturgical elements into worship.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Core Christian Beliefs
We believe God is triune, consisting of God the Father as creator, God the Son as redeemer, and God the Holy Spirit as sustainer.
We believe the Bible is both inspired and authoritative over all matters of Christian living and practice and that the best lens of interpretation is through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
We believe creation is broken and fallen, but God offers forgiveness and redemption through salvation in Jesus Christ.
We believe the local church is an active part of the larger Church Universal, partnering with God in holistic and intentional ministry, worship, social action and redemptive activity.
We believe God calls members of his body to serve and lead based on gifting, regardless of one’s gender, age, ethnicity, or any social barrier.
Historic Baptist Distinctives
We believe in individual soul liberty; therefore, each person is ultimately responsible for her or his own faith.
We believe in the necessity of conversion reflected through baptism by choice, discipleship, and continual spiritual formation.
We believe in religious liberty so that no person or institution can be a coercive force either in support or in opposition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe every person has direct access to God through the priesthood of all believers.
We believe in the autonomy of the local church in governance and affiliations.
We believe in celebrating the two ordinances of the church, believer’s baptism and communion.
The 1963 Baptist Faith and Message, a comprehensive confession of faith, best reflects our beliefs.
Grace Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 78664.
Church Profile Manager: Matthew Hanzelka