Meet The Pastor

Pastor Robert and Denise Jones
Robert and Denise Jones
Pastor Robert Allen Jones, is a very energetic, compassionate, anointed and beloved pastor. His messages from the pulpit are delivered with the love of God and portray God’s never-ending commitment to His children. Pastor Jones has a deep and sincere understanding of the needs of people: spiritually and physically. He ministers with a gentle, yet stern word. Elder Jones always has an in-season word for God’s flock. He often says, “As far as being a Pastor is concerned, I am the manager, but God is the Owner.” He takes his Pastoral duties very seriously. Pastor Jones met the love of his life and best friend, Iwanna Denise Johnson in 1987. They were united in marriage on June 27, 1992. To this union, God has blessed them with two beautiful gifts – Amari Gabrielle and Jeremiah Allen. Pastor Jones was called into the ministry during his high school years. His secular educational portfolio includes: Columbus Technical Institute and Troy State University. He was also a scholar of the First Born Church of the Living God, Inc. Seminary school from 1990-1995. Pastor Jones served in the United States Armed Forces Reserves as a dietician from 1990-1996. As a new convert in the body of Christ, He served earnestly at Nazareth Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend Robert Holston. He worked diligently on several committees such as the Program Committee, Senior Choir member, Young Adult Choir President, Usher and Youth Leader. He was released and confirmed in his ministry as preacher of God’s Word in the year of 1987 under the leadership of Bishop Robert Williams, Sr. at Evangel Temple FBC of the Living God, Inc. He served as Broadcast Minister, Youth Pastor, Choir member and Usher. Elder Jones served as the Alabama District Youth Council President of the First Born Church from 1990 -1999. He was ordained as Elder in October 1995 under the auspices of the First Born Church of the Living God, Inc. He is presently a spiritual son and covenant partner, since October of 2001, with the Faith Outreach Christian Life Center in Hephzibah, Georgia, where his spiritual father, Bishop Richard B. Peoples is the Senior Pastor. Pastor Jones is prolific in the area of Outreach ministry, which includes prison ministry, convalescence homes and street evangelism. In April of 1995, Pastor Jones received his first assignment as pastor at Calcis FBC, in Calcis, Alabama. Many great accomplishments were achieved. The church membership grew, the church sanctuary was remodeled and revitalization was brought back to the parishioners of that ministry. Proving to be faithful to this work, God promoted and released him to establish a ministry in Columbus, GA. In September of 1996, Pastor Jones founded One Way Deliverance First Born Church of the Living God, Inc. In January 2000, the ministry transitioned to its present location 2970 MLK Boulevard and thus One Way Deliverance Family Worship Ministries, Inc. was born. God promoted Pastor Jones in 2007 to Overseer and spiritual covering for All Nations Worship Ministries in Radcliff, KY under the pastorate of Pastors Michael and Gloria Fite. The vision is constantly increasing and gaining momentum. Thus the Kingdom of heaven is advancing and being established through the excellence, compassion and evangelism of Pastor Robert Jones’ ministries.