Meet The Pastor
Bishop and Senior Pastor Adrian Serrano
Pastor Serrano and his wife have been together for three decades; they pastor the church together. Pastor Serrano has two Ordination Credentials from Bread of Heaven Ministry and Mt. Zion Missionary Association
Mt. Zion is one of the largest recognized Christian organizations in the U.S. Pastor Serrano has been in full time ministry for more than 20 years, and is very involved in the community. He ministers to those in the prison system(Federal & State). He served as a translator in the city court system, volunteers and serves as Clergy at Orange Regional Medical Center(ORMC), and is on call 24/7.
Pastor Serrano has also been involved in TV and radio, and has hosted many Praise the Lord Programs on TBN. He served Promise Keepers for 10 years as a trainer for EV’s, at their National Stadium Events.