Meet The Pastor
Pastor Matt Simpkins
Pastor Matt grew up at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Franklin, TN and served on the staff at Lutheridge while in college at the University of Tennessee where he earned a B.A. in Speech Communication and Organizational Development in 1998. After working in recruiting and sales for a few years for Aerotek in Nashville, Pastor Matt answered the call to ordained ministry and graduated in 2006 with a Masters of Divinity from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina. During his four years at Faith Lutheran Church, Pastor Matt was instrumental in starting a 2nd campus and bringing a new format and energy to their non-traditional service. He has served for several years on the AFFIRM staff providing worship leadership. AFFIRM is the Southeastern Synod’s summer camp for 6-12th graders.Pastor Matt is also working under contract with Lutheran Church of the Redeemer to develop an alternative worship service in Midtown Atlanta. Pastor Matt’s wife, Melody, is an Associate in Ministry (AIM) and will serve at Redeemer as their Minister of Spiritual Formation.Melody and Matt have two sons and live in Decatur.Matt also plays with the music group STARBOARDERS, thinks Jack Bauer is the man, doesn’t know how to knit, and used to go to the rodeo with Waylon Jennings.Check out his music at