Meet The Pastor

Senior Pastor Tyrone D. Gordon
Pastor Tyrone D. Gordon (fondly referred to as “Pastor G”) is the spirit-led, spirit-filled Founder and Senior Pastor of Transforming Life Christian Fellowship, Inc. (TLC Fellowship). TLC Fellowship was founded in March 2012 with 24 charter members. The ministry is a vibrant, spirit-filled body of believers convinced that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible with God—because it has been proven so from the ministry’s inception! Under Pastor G’s dynamic and visionary leadership, TLC Fellowship is well underway to making transformational disciples for Jesus Christ as the ministry continues to flourish in God’s bounty and grace!
Pastor G is a native of Los Angeles, CA. He is a 1978 honor graduate of Bishop College, Dallas, TX with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Religion. He received the Master of Divinity degree in 1984 from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Baker University, Baldwin City, KS in 2002. Pastor G is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Pastor G was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel at the Greater New Bethel Baptist Church in Inglewood, CA on June 11, 1980, under the pastorate of Rev. Earl A. Pleasant.
July 2002 - January 2012 ~ Served as Senior Pastor of St. Luke “Community” UMC, Dallas, TX. Many new and innovative ministries were established during his tenure, such as the launching of a satellite campus in DeSoto, TX—one of the first ministries of this kind in the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church.
September 1988 - June 2002 ~ Served as Senior Pastor of St. Mark UMC, Wichita, KS. Under Pastor G’s dynamic and visionary leadership, St. Mark grew from 350 to over 2600 members. It was considered to be one of the fastest growing African American congregations in the United Methodist Church, and one of the most racial diverse congregations in the Kansas West Conference.
June 1986 - July 1988 ~ Served as Senior Pastor of Wesley Chapel UMC and Chaplain, Philander-Smith College (August 1986-June 1988), Little Rock, AR.
June 1982 - June 1986 ~ Served as Senior Pastor of St. Paul UMC, Little Rock, AR.
Pastor G has served on the Executive Board at Perkins School of Theology, Board of Trustees at St. Paul School of Theology and on the African American Pastor’s Coalition of Dallas. He also served on the Wichita School Board—both as member and President, and on the Salvation Army Advisory Board.
Pastor G has received numerous accolades for his outstanding contributions in community service as the recipient of awards, including “Citizen of the Year” by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., “Minister of the Year” by the Wichita NAACP, and the “Brotherhood/Sisterhood Award” from the National Conference for Community and Justice.
Published works by Pastor G include: 2012 African American Devotional, FOCUS: Living The Lord’s Prayer, and contributor to Growing the African American Church (Carlyle Stewart, editor) (Abingdon Press). He has also written The Calendar of Devotions-African American History Month for 2003 (Abingdon Press), Strengthening the Black Church through Worship, and numerous articles for the Circuit Rider Magazine & The Quarterly Journal.
Pastor G is married to Marsha Douglas Gordon and they are the proud parents of two lovely adult daughters—Lauren Ashley and Allyson Paige.