100 or less Members
Church Profile
Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
4800 McArthur Ranch Rd
Southridge Recreation Center
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130
United States
Southridge Recreation Center
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130
United States
Service Times
Sunday, 10am
(303) 552-1145
Pastor Ryan Gold
Our Mission
To proclaim God’s glory in the gospel of Jesus Christ through a Spirit-empowered community.
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About New Covenant Community Church
A gospel centered, non-denominational reformed church in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, proclaiming God’s glory in the gospel of Jesus Christ through a Spirit-empowered community.
New3c feels like a big family. People know each other and enjoy spending time together. Conversations start easily and are hard to wrap up. Often, people stick around after the service talking for 45-60 minutes. True and deep fellowship is integral to our life together as a congregation, but when we gather on Sunday mornings, we are also hungry to hear from God. Pastor Ryan typically teaches verse-by-verse through a passage of Scripture, gradually making his way through an entire book of the Bible. The good news about Jesus - who He is and what He has done - is central in the sermons.
In our music, new3c strives for simple excellence which exalts Jesus Christ. Most Sundays we sing a blend of 3-4 theologically solid songs which range stylistically between timeless hymns and modern worship songs.
Kids stay with their parents for the first part of the service so families can sing and worship together. Just before the sermon, Pastor Ryan will bless the kids and then dismiss them to their classes downstairs. We currently have a Nursery for up to 3 years old, a PreK-Kindergarten class and an Elementary age class. Your children are also welcome to sit in the service and hear the sermon with you.
Wear what makes you comfortable and honors God and the people around you. Some folks will come to church with ties or dresses, but most will be dressed pretty casual.
New Covenant Community Church (new3c) meets at 10:00 am each Sunday at the Southridge Recreation Center in Highlands Ranch. After you come in the main entrance, head left and go up the stairs to the Debus Wildcat Mountain Auditorium. An elevator is also available. To enter the auditorium directly, use the doors located on the west side of the building by Laurelglen Lane.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
God: God is eternal, neither having a beginning nor an end.
God the Father: Scripture presents the role of the Father in relationship to the Son and the Spirit as the leader and head of the triune Godhead.
God the Son: Scripture presents the role of the Son in relationship to the Father and the Spirit as the Agent through whom the Father created.
God the Spirit: Scripture presents the Holy Spirit as eternally equal in deity in relation to the Father and the Son.
Scripture: The Bible is comprised of sixty-six books (39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament). It was compiled by a process of recognition (not determination) into a canon (i.e. a rule or standard) by the people of God in attestation to the accuracy and reliability (for faith and practice) of each individual book.
Humanity: Created in the image of God for the purpose of His glory alone, mankind is the greatest of all His created works.
Salvation: Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in the person of Jesus Christ alone.
The Church: The Church is the new covenant community of believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ who have been called out by God to participate in His redemptive purposes both presently and forever in the new heavens and new earth.
Eschatology: Jesus Christ will return bodily (that is, in person) to the earth.
Older Children/adults
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Open But Cautious
New Covenant Community Church is a Reformed Church located in Zip Code 80130.
Church Profile Manager: New3c Webmaster