Church Profile
Service Times
You are invited to worship with us every Sunday at 12 noon and at our Taizé/ Candlelight Prayer service every Wednesday at 7 p.m.
(415) 863-4434

Pastor Annie Steinberg-Behrman
Our Mission
We, of the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco, are a beloved community joining together from diverse spiritual backgrounds and ministering primarily within the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Community as a house of prayer of all people and a home for queer spirituality.
We are a new witness of God’s radically inclusive love, while we recognize our connection to the historical Christian church.
We are called to a prophetic ministry of peace and social justice. Therefore, we see as equally important the nurturance and growth of our congregation and communities, and our active involvement in the society around us.
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About Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco
Welcome to Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco, a member of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC).
We are a spiritual community which affirms that you are beloved! We come from a variety of spiritual backgrounds and believe there are many paths to the holy, and that our sexuality and genders are sacred gifts.
We believe we are called to a prophetic ministry championing the marginalized, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. We work for justice and peace.
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MCC uses gender inclusive language in its worship services. We celebrate the Eucharist at least once a week, and to practice open communion, meaning that recipients need not be a member of the MCC or any other church to receive the Eucharist. MCC allows its member churches independence in doctrine, worship, and practice.
Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 94109.
Church Profile Manager: Joe Livingston