Church Profile
Service Times
During the Academic Year:
9:15 a.m., Choir Rehearsal
9:30 a.m., Book Discussion
10:00 a.m., Kid’s Club
10:30 a.m., Worship
11:30 a.m., Hospitality Hour – Lutheran World Relief Coffee and Good Conversation
Our Summer schedule runs from the second Sunday in June through Labor Day weekend, with worship at 9:30 a.m. Light refreshments follow worship.
Although infants and young children are most welcome in our worship services, our church nursery attendant is available Sundays to welcome babies and younger children into the nursery. The church is handicap accessible. Gluten-free communion is available. Large print worship materials are offered.
(603) 643-3703
Rev. Kyle Seibert, Pastor
Our Mission
We seek to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and to proclaim the Gospel to others.
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About Our Savior Lutheran Church
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, a Covenant Church of Bread for the World, a sponsor of the United Valley Interfaith Project, and a Reconciling in Christ congregation seeking greater inclusivity in our church for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. But these affiliations tell you only a small part of who we are.
We are a community composed of diverse individuals and families that thrive on lively worship and preaching. We also take joy in welcoming one another in hospitality and service. All in all, we seek to be a diverse and real community that has at its core a deep desire to follow Jesus in our daily lives. Mercy, service, hospitality, justice and love are important markers for us in that journey.
We are a church where we all are welcomed and loved by God. No one is excluded from God’s grace. We receive new birth in baptism, forgiveness in confession, and encounter grace and mercy in the Lord’s Supper. These practices nurture our faith. We hope this may be the kind of community you long for too.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Evangelical Lutheran in America
Dress Style:
Church Ministries
Disaster Relief Quilting
Friday Community Dinner, 5:00 p.m.
Communion Frequency:
Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Lutheran Church located in Zip Code 03755.
Church Profile Manager: Church Office