

Mike Snyder

I started attending Faith Baptist Church in Kittery, Maine in August of 2018. I was Baptized on Sunday, October 15th, 2018 and I was voted in as an official member a couple weeks later. Accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior was a great day as a responsible adult for me. I have found a deeper love for God, my family and my church brothers and sisters as I attend all services. There is a photo below of my wife Connie with me, Mike Snyder. Faith Baptist Church in Kittery, Maine is a smaller church with lots of room for new members. We sing traditional hymns with a beautiful sounding baby grand piano with 2 alternating players at different times. Please come and join us as we listen to paster Justin Kaufman teach his sermons from the King James Bible. My phone number is below if you would like to meet at the church at your convenience with me just a regular member. I can introduce you to the Pastor or Deacons if they are around or we can set up an appointment with them for you. God bless, and I hope to see you in church with us soon ! Mike Snyder, 207-475-2210, you can also send me an email to < >. The church website is < >. The church email to reach Pastor Justin Kaufman is < >. The church phone number is 207-439-1200 We are located at 22 Litchfeild Road, Kittery, Maine 03904.