
Mother Elizabeth
Monastic formation began in the 1970's when I was on extended visits to the Monastery of the Orthodox Monastery of Transfiguration in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. This is the time period of Mother Alexandra (+1991) as the monastery abbess. As Carol Klipa Bacha I worked with Father George Gladky in Miami as a Missionary at Christ the Savior Cathedral and helping to manage the Orthodox Book Center, which aided the funding of new parishes in the South. In addition to daily working within the Miami Cathedral Community I traveled with Father George and aided new choirs in the making. It would not be until November 21 and 22, 2015 in Dayton, Tennesse that Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia would tonsure me a Cross-Bearer Monastic. I am blessed to pray with the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Community in Daytona Beach, Florida where Father Joseph Samaan is the priest. Father Joseph serves many weekday liturgies at 9am. Wednesday nights the Parakelis Service of the Mother of God is at 6:30pm where everyone can come and be annointed by Father Joseph with the healing oil. I can be contacted after the church services there in Daytona Beach or by appointment. We daily pray for the world and ask your prayers for us to grow in God's Grace, Love and Humility. More information and updates at our website