Brent Bailey
For me, there’s nothing better than the Kentucky Wildcats, peanut butter milkshakes, and ministering to people. I'm passionate about seeing people establish a relationship with God, because it’s easy to receive from someone that you know. In my twenty years in the ministry, I have served in television and radio production and drama ministry, and as an outreach coordinator. In 2001 I came on staff at Kenneth Hagin Ministries/RHEMA Bible Church as senior high youth pastor. I also served as singles pastor and an instructor at RHEMA Bible Training Center. In October of 2012 we launched Direction Church Orlando. A brand new work where people's faith and relationship with God can grow as we all travel the road of life together!
I have a bachelor's degree in Business from Southwestern Christian University, an associate degree in Theology Faith Theological Seminary and am a graduate of RHEMA Bible Training Center in Pastoral Ministry.
My wife Jodi and I were married in 1999 and have two sons: Preston and Peyton.